Concrete, A Slab in Your Face?

Concrete floor grinding and polishing

With the challenges of everyday life, having to get down on hands and knees to scrub floors should be the least of your worries. Considering an alternative to overused and outdated laminate floors is a leap of faith worth taking. Concrete polished floors may appeal to a home or business owner as cold, less decorative and potentially harmful if one falls. However, concrete polished floors, compared to the facts, seem to outweigh the competition.

Over time, traditional flooring materials such as laminate, wood paneling, etc., can become a cumbersome task to clean and maintain overtime. A suitable alternative would ideally be one that lasts for a significant amount of time, has little to no maintenance, and is economically friendly to the environment. Concrete is an option that exceeds expectation and yield positive results. Polished concrete, as an alternative, results from chemically densified concrete grinding and is increasing popular as a choice for flooring material.

Polished concrete floors are perfect for retail and sports venues, warehouses, museums, and office buildings, to name a few. Although concrete polished floor has a misconceived notion of slipperiness, it continually meets and exceeds OSHA standards, ensuring a safe work environment for all. Concrete slabs are heavily used in the construction of modern buildings. To simply hire concrete floor polishing contractors to finish the floor can be more cost effective and ecologically efficient than masking the surface. Concrete polished floors being a perfect match for high volume businesses are less susceptible to ware and tare over time. However, polished concrete is also a great match for the household.

Due to high light reflectivity, concrete polished floors add a bright, clean finish that can reduce the need for artificial light and ultimately reduce electricity costs. The cost of polished concrete floors is estimated to range from about 2 to 6 US dollars and holds significant construction and instillation costs against leading floor materials. Concrete polished floor is a next best alternative if fancy and expensive marble is not yet in the budget.

Concrete floor grinding and polishing can be a complex, messy and costly process if done by ones self. Therefore, it is imperative to weigh out all options as to either a DIY project, or a hiring project. Concrete polisher machines are thousands of dollars and can be an unbearable cost if only used for a once in a while project. Consider polished concrete contractors for estimates tailored to a specific need.

When searching for the ideal contractor for concrete polishing and concrete grinding, ensure the companies ability to produce a floor that will withstand heavy use and long term reliability. A well constructed polished concrete floor should have a bright and reflective surface that improves traction and resists scuff marks as much as possible.
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6 responses to “Concrete, A Slab in Your Face?”

  1. Concrete can have a bland after effect, being dull and grey, color alternatives and possible decoration could be nice, especially for homes and storefronts.

  2. Concrete can have a bland after effect, being dull and grey, color alternatives and possible decoration could be nice, especially for homes and storefronts.

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