The best Rochester blogs are written by people who are extremely familiar with the Upstate New York area. Ideally, those who blog Rochester should either live in Rochester or have lived here previously. The blogs Rochester is known for have a real Upstate New York feel to them, so that even people who have never visited the area can get a sense of what it is like by reading the blogs Rochester offers.
A lot of people who blog Rochester discuss Rochester hotels. There are many nice hotels in the Rochester area, and writers who blog Rochester often review the local hotels in which they have stayed. There are hotels downtown, in Webster, Irondequoit, Brighton, Pittsford, Chili, Greece, Victor, Mendon, Henrietta, and Honeoye Falls. These hotels come in at different price points and have different amenities, all of which are explained in the reviews written by those people who blog rochester.
There also a number of blogs written about restaurants and local food in the area. Rochester is known for something called a garbage plate, and a number of different restaurants in the area serve this delicacy. The garbage plate is a mishmash of comfort foods piled atop one another. Usually, a garbage plate has one or more white hots or red hots, cheeseburgers, hamburgers, Italian sausage, steak, chicken, grilled cheese sandwiches, a fish fry, or eggs. On top of the main protein are some combination of french fries, home fries, beans, and macaroni salad. Of course, this is all topped off by mustard, hot sauce, and ketchup.
Food writers who blog rochester often argue about which restaurant serves the best garbage plate in town. Many bloggers feel that Nick Tahous wins this contest by default because NTs is the place that originally created the dish. On the other hand, some people insist that Fairport Hots has the best garbage plate for the money. However, just about all the writers who blog Rochester agree that even the worst garbage plate has sentimental value because it is identified so strongly with the city they love. Get more here.
7 responses to “Writers Who Blog Rochester Debate on Who Serves the Best Garbage Plate”
I was actually thinking about starting a blog on Rochester food. I know there is a really good blog out there about Rochester pizza where every entry is a review of a different pizza place. I would like to do something like that for hamburgers.
Has anyone started a Rochester blog about places to take kids? I think that would be a really great one. I know the Kids out and about site is good, but I am talking about something a bit more personalized.
Has anyone started a Rochester blog about places to take kids? I think that would be a really great one. I know the Kids out and about site is good, but I am talking about something a bit more personalized.
Has anyone started a Rochester blog about places to take kids? I think that would be a really great one. I know the Kids out and about site is good, but I am talking about something a bit more personalized.
Has anyone started a Rochester blog about places to take kids? I think that would be a really great one. I know the Kids out and about site is good, but I am talking about something a bit more personalized.
Has anyone started a Rochester blog about places to take kids? I think that would be a really great one. I know the Kids out and about site is good, but I am talking about something a bit more personalized.
Has anyone started a Rochester blog about places to take kids? I think that would be a really great one. I know the Kids out and about site is good, but I am talking about something a bit more personalized.