Rochester NY radio stations cover a lot of ground. The Drive has the early 90s corner covered, 98PXY has got pop music under wraps, WITR the college station is eclectic and contemporary, WXXI will meet all your classical needs and cover Rochester NY local news, and WBER has alternative music down to an art. When you tune in to Rochester radio stations you are unlikely to have any trouble finding something that you enjoy listening to.
However, maybe you want to create your own radio show and fill a niche that is not accounted for! As far as I know there are no Rochester radio shows that cover local dining and food news, but that is just where my interests lie. If you think there is a space to be filled in Rochester radio, then the very easiest way to do this is by creating an internet radio show, or using a podcast format. Before you get started though there are three basic considerations to make so that you can be as good as any of the Rochester NY radio stations out there.
1. Content
Will your material be original, like a talk show? Or will you broadcast music? When you decide to broadcast material that someone else owns then there are legal fees and royalties to consider. Whatever you choose to broadcast, make sure it is something that you feel passionately about. We have all had to suffer through radio show hosts who are boring and suck all the fun out of a program. Choose something you love to talk about and go from there.
2. Equipment
The basics are a microphone, an application which you record on, and maybe an audio mixer. Creating your own radio show can be as easy as plugging in a mic and downloading a free audio recording application. Of course, better quality audio and programming is better served by specialized equipment, but no need to get ahead of ourselves here.
3. Structure
Scripting, agenda, opening, when the show plays, these are all important considerations to make and in the radio business they are known as formatics. You can write your show ahead of time, have a vague agenda to stick to, or completely wing it, but listen to other shows to get an idea of what kinds of formatics are pleasing to listen to, and which kinds make for a disjointed or obnoxious experience.
So if all the Rochester NY radio stations are not quite hitting the spot, then you should start your own. It is not hard, it does not have to be expensive, and if you are good at it then there is no telling what is in store for you.