The best intrusion detection system is something that every entity, be it a government agency, a corporation, a small business, or an individual, has found to be necessary. In America, the federal government has experienced close to a 680 percent increase in cybersecurity breaches over the past six years. And personal identity theft is only on the rise. That is the tricky paradox of technology…the better it gets, both the easier it is to protect and hack into.
You may remember hearing about the international hacker whom broke into the computer files at the South Carolina Department of Revenue in October of 2011. This hacker gained access to nearly 3.6 million tax returns. This is a prime example of why business owners and government agencies alike need to incorporate the best intrusion detection system available to them.
Unfortunately, that instance is not an exception to the norm. The city of San Francisco experienced something similar in July of 2008. A surly San Fran city administrator locked access to an essential network by resetting all administrative passwords to its routers and switches. He then refused to divulge the passwords to city officials.
A breach in network security affects many more people than just the company that was broken into. Once again, with the best intrusion detection system, this never would have happened.
The U.S. Government Accountability Office revealed data that was sourced which gives proof to the statement that security breaches are still on the rise. The data showed that the amount of security breaches rose from 13,017 to 15,560 in the year of 2011 alone. As I previously stated, as technology improves, so do hackers. Finding the best intrusion detection system, however, can keep them out of your server, as well as inform you when they are.
No company, particularly a small business can truly afford to experience a breach in their network security platform. It has been estimated that it takes over 11 months for a company to rebuild brand reputation, and perhaps even longer to pay off money that has been lost due to a security breach. It is crucial that business owners find the best intrusion detection system they can in order to prevent this from happening.
What do you think is the best intrusion detection system out there?
5 responses to “Is There a Hacker In Your System Right Now?”
I do not use any sort of intrusion detection or firewall software. I have never had a problem.
I do not use any sort of intrusion detection or firewall software. I have never had a problem.
I do not use any sort of intrusion detection or firewall software. I have never had a problem.
I do not use any sort of intrusion detection or firewall software. I have never had a problem.
I do not use any sort of intrusion detection or firewall software. I have never had a problem.