In 2013, humans have technology at their fingertips that helps to make pretty much any task in life easier. Specifically, businesses benefit from things like laptop scanners, portable scanners and business card readers. Rather than manually having to input data or having to file through thousands of pages of paperwork, technology allows businesses to spend more time on business and less time looking for information.
Amazingly, Price Waterhouse Cooper said that the average business makes 19 copies of every document and spends $20 in labor to file each document. Furthermore, each business then spends $120 in labor searching for each misfiled document. They also lose about one out of every 20 documents, and typically a business spends 25 hours recreating each lost document. Plus, Reduce.org reported that the average office employee uses 10,000 sheets of paper each year.
All that lost productivity and wasted time can be prevented, with the use of things like business card readers. A business card reader can upload information to a digital filing system, like a cloud system, and then be visited whenever someone needs that information. Experts estimate that the cloud computing market will be worth a whopping $150 billion by 2013.
Electronic files are easier to find because often people can use a keyword search to find them instead of having to rifle through thousands of sheets of paper. Plus, files stored on a cloud system cannot be destroyed by fire and flood, and people cannot steal the physical file.
At the end of the day, businesses truly benefit quite a bit through the use of high quality technology. Businesses that can scan documents to cloud systems use less paper and spend a lot less time looking for documents and a lot more time doing business, which helps them to be more successful.