Did you know that it is actually a myth that George Washington had wooden dentures? Wooden false teeth have been used in the past, however. The first recorded instance of this was in the 16th century Japan.
Nowadays, cosmetic surgery is more advanced to fit the needs of modern people. Not only can you get cosmetic dentistry like implants, dentures and braces, but you can also get teeth whitening and tooth reshaping. If you are interested in dental implants Salem Oregon, there are several things you should first consider.
First, find dentists salem oregon that specialize in your specific field of interest. A dentist who is great at teeth whitening Salem Oregon, for example, might not be able to do the same implant work as a dentist specializing in dental implants Eugene Oregon. Tooth whitening is a fairly simple procedure, but cosmetic dentistry such as implants tend to be a little riskier and should be undertaken by Salem dental professionals with years of experience doing the procedure.
Second, to find a good dentist to do dental implants Eugene Oregon, ask around your family and friends for their recommendations. Many of them will have dentists they have used for years and would be comfortable recommending to you.
Finally, make sure your Salem Oregon dentists keep a clean and sanitary work area. All tools should be cleaned after used, gloves replaced after every procedure, et cetera. There are many safe, hygienic and friendly dental offices that will be happy to help you with your dental implants eugene oregon.