The first income tax law enacted within the nation was established in 1862 in order to support the Civil War effort. Nowadays, income tax season causes a great deal of stress and anxiety for many individuals. While many citizens look forward to their federal and state income tax returns, many others find themselves facing tax penalties, such as IRS garnishment. In addition, others may find themselves in need of back tax help, for failure to file income taxes. Others may need additional forms of Irs debt relief, including how to remove tax lien. If you have been notified that you may be facing IRS garnishment, then it is in your best interest to seek out assistance that will provide you with alternative options before you face the loss of income tax returns or even your full time salary.
Many individuals may not realize that you can stop wage garnishment before it begins. The Internal Revenue Service does not begin the process of IRS garnishment of working wages without providing individuals with notice, as well as opportunities to make payment arrangements. As such, should you receive notices in the mail explaining that IRS garnishment may begin, you should take these notices seriously. Carefully review the options that the Internal Revenue Service offers, and should you find that you are unable to meet these demands, it may be in your best interest to seek outside assistance. There are many tax attorneys and other legal professionals who can assist with IRS garnishment situations and who may be able to work with the Internal Revenue Service to offer you more options. If you decide to ignore these warnings, your IRS garnishment may be served upon your employer, where they are treated as part of the payroll process.
There have been tax cuts to assist individuals with paying. In fact, George W. Bush signed a series into law, the largest being the Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation in 2001. Regardless, it is important to ensure that you file your federal taxes every year. However, many individuals do not file, as they are anxious about having the sufficient funds to pay for preparation, as well as any taxes owed. It is important to note that taxpayers should file taxes even if they do not have sufficient funds to pay, in order to avoid further penalties enacted by the Internal Revenue Service for failure to file.