Here is a little known fact: at no time in your life will you be as active as you were when you were two years old.
Parents of any two year old know that this is anything BUT a little known fact.
Happily, the western Connecticut area has an abundance of good facilities at daycare in Monroe CT, daycare in trumbull ct, and in eastern New York in daycare in Peekskill NY.
Daycare is not a new concept, of course. The first daycare provisions were made in France about 1840; 30 years later, the Societe des Creches was officially recognized by the French government. Most daycares do more than babysit: they teach children to be self sufficient, including brushing their hair and putting their own clothing on. A basic teaching is one that holds a child in good stead long after daycare: cooperation and getting along with others.
Early education programs may be offered as part of the complete daycare experience, as in the case of preschool in peekskill ny, preschool in Monroe CT and preschool in Trumbull. These are programs that get kids ready to attend school, with class size very similar to what a child will find in preK or Kindergarten. Preschool in Monroe CT is available to anyone.
Kids who attend a good early education program, like a effective preschool in Monroe CT, turn out to be healthier and even wealthier than other kids who did not go to preschool. Preschool in Monroe CT graduates kids who, like most from a high quality preschool program, will be more likely to have good jobs, own homes and earn at last $5,000 more per year than those who did not go to an early education program like preschool in Monroe CT.
Preschool in Monroe CT programs and other in the state have to be special because the expectations of Connecticut schools are very high. In a recent ranking of best educated students from the Statemaster.com statistical database, based on student achievement, positive outcomes and personal attention from teachers, Connecticut students were second best in the country.