Do you have chronic back pain? Do your feet cramp up? If you answered yes to these questions, you might want to look into massage therapy to ease the tension in your body. Most cities have wide variety of clinics that offer different kinds of massages for particular ailments. Some massage therapist are trained in one type of massage, while others can perform multiple techniques to relieve body pain. Types of massages include shiatsu, trigger point, lymphatic drainage, Swedish, and hot stone treatment among dozens of others. Depending on the pain that you have, you can work with a trained therapist to determine which massage will work best for you.
A Swedish massage is recommended for pregnant women who might be suffering from edema where their joints swell. This kind of massage also helps them deal with circulatory problems that result from hormonal shifts during pregnancy. It is also the most common type of massage and the one that you might select if you get a massage for the first time. Other techniques like hot stone treatment, use a hot stone heater to store particular smooth stones. These stones are then placed at different points on the body that are tense. The heat relaxes the muscles and allows the therapist to massage the tissue in the area deeply. There are some hot stone spas that offer a hot stone pedicure as well.
Massage therapy is becoming a popular way to take care of body aches. You can find an independent or freelance massage therapist who specializes in hotstones or any other kind of massage you want. Many doctors are also recommending alternative treatments like acupuncture and reiki which are offered at specialty clinics. Spas regularly offer package deals for massages, manicures, pedicures and other beauty regimens. This can be a great gift for a friend, or a way treat yourself to a day of relaxation. Helpful links.